Donate To DeKalb Symphony Orchestra

DeKalb Symphony Orchestra relies on donations to sustain and expand our services to the community.
Make a tax-deductible donation to DeKalb Symphony Orchestra of whatever amount you are able by clicking here. And support DSO by buying individual or season tickets.
We love checks and credit card donations where the money is instantly paid to the DSO with the fewest extra processing charges.
Click HERE to enter your donation information below.
Donate now using PayPal. Donations can be made one time or in recurring monthly payments.

Donate now using Venmo. Open the Venmo app and scan the QR code to pay us (our username is @dekalbsymphony).

Many banks & financial institutions now offer ZELLE to send money directly without fees to the recipient or sender. Go to your bank’s app or website and use our email address [email protected] as the RECIPIENT.

Sponsor a Chair Chair sponsor benefits: Your name will appear next to the name of the musician every concert of the season and on the website. You will have an opportunity to meet your musician backstage and take a photo as a memento. Chair Sponsors will receive invitations to informal events and select rehearsals throughout the year, providing opportunities for sponsors and musicians to get to know each other.
Chair Sponsorship Levels:
- $500 Student Musician
- $1000 Professional Section Player
- $3000 Principal Player
- $5,000 Concertmaster
- $10,000 Conductor
To become a chair sponsor, contact Catherine MacGregor [email protected]