July 2021 News
1: Past Board Chair Stan Shapiro thanks current Chair Brent Adams for successfully guiding the DSO through our too-long intermission.
2: Starting with Stan at the head of the table, clockwise: Barbara Gifford, Board Secretary; Lucas Jesuit, Board Treasurer; Nicole Carr; Dr. Ken Fenster; Lucia Sizemore, Former Board.
3: Executive Director Alan Hopper and the successful ED Search Committee: back row L clockwise: Alan, Gene Morrison, C-A Washington, Dr. Catherine Carter, Lucia Sizemore, Ann Alperin, Barbara Gifford.
4: Board Members chat with newly hired Executive Director.
5: Board Chair Brent thanks his predecessor for a job well done!
Not pictured is photographer Steve Alperin, Player Representative to the Board. Also missing were Board Members, Bob Cooper, Eric Moreno and Judge Mat Robins – who were traveling.